+(208) 415-1833


NO COST Credit Card Processing

for Non-Profit Organizations

You no longer have to pay monthly credit card processing fees. Keep 100% of the donations you receive from credit and debit cards.

*Restrictions apply.

We Provide You with What You Need

We know how important donations are to a non-profit organization. We also know that many people want to give with their credit or debit card but these end up costing the non-profit hundreds or even thousands of dollars a month in processing fees.

Now, non-profit organizations can keep 100% of their donations without having to pay the processing costs at the end of each month and we can make it easier for your donors to give.

With PPC CLERGY CREDIT CARD PROCESSING PROGRAM we are able to shift the cost of each individual card from the non-profit to the card holder. When giving a donation our system will adjust each credit card transaction. The adjustment is a small extra % added to the receipt of the individual’s donation on the receipt whenever they use a credit or debit card. This adjustment means, your donor is providing you the same donation margins, whether they pay in cash or credit card. Finally, 100% of the intended donation goes to the toward the non-profit and like always, the donor gets to write off 100% of the donation and fee on their taxes.

We do not believe fees should be charged to non-profit organizations for accepting credit cards as a form of donation or for any organization sponsored activity. We have found that most donors share the same feelings. They don’t mind being charged a small % to make a donation.

At Location Terminal Based Donations

When Donors come to your location, they come with the sole purpose to serve and give. Our easy-to-use wired terminal and mobile app make donations a very easy and quick process so your donors can give easily and freely to their favorite charity.

We provide you with what you need

  • free signage explaining the program to your clients
  • free equipment
  • simple easy-to-read donation receipts
  • simple easy-to-read monthly statement
  • never pay credit card processing fees again

Online Donations

Donors that see your advertising or know of your charity or non-profit and want to give, can do it from the comfort of their own home or from their mobile device. They can easily log into your organization’s website and donate there. Our back-end system will link with almost all shopping carts allowing you to take online donations at no cost.

No Cost Online Donations or e-Check Processing

  • Clients can go to your site and donate ANYTIME!
  • Connects to most shopping carts on websites
  • Low cost per transaction e-check processing and depositing
  • Set up recurring monthly donations

Mobile/Wireless Donations


If compatible there is no need to purchase a new device – simply use your own or upgrade to a new Clover device.

  • $15 month iphone/ipad/android app
  • free credit card processing
  • emailed donation receipts
  • never pay credit card processing fees again

Recurring Donations

Recurring donations gives your members the opportunity to donate on a recurring basis making donation easy and hassle free.

e-Check Donations

Give your donors more payment options with e-check acceptance.

(208) 415-1833

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